I.D. Requirements - Sin On Skin

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I.D. Requirements


Clients 18 and over:

You must be 18 years or older with proof (a current government issued photographic identification that includes a identification number on it and a birth date).

Clients under 18 years old with parent:
We will need a copy of the parent indentification, also a parental consent form. Consent must be submitted in person inside our facility. Parent must provide current government issued photographic indentification at the time of the written consent.
The minor must have a photographic identification with a matching last name as the parent, if BOTH LAST NAMES DO NOT MATCH we will need a copy of the minor's birth certificate both names must be on the birth certificate.

Clients under 18 years old with legal guardian:
The minor must have proof of age and identity (a current government issued photographic ID, a student ID with a Birth Certificate, or a Passport).
Legal Guardian must provide a current government issued photographic ID and proof of guardianship documents by the Government/Court.

Please! no drug and alcohol consumption before or during the procedure.
Remember to eat at least four hours before the procedure.

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